Kalashnikov Concern is the largest Russian manufacturing company producing assault and sniper rifles and a wide range of precision firearms. The civilian products includes hunting and sporting rifles and shotguns. The Group is the flagship of the Russian small arms sector manufacturing close to the totality of small arms made in Russia and supplying more than. 50 countries around the world. Legendary reliability combined with operational simplicity associated with high technology in mechanic and the state of the art in the metallurgy make its firearms unique. Founded in 1807, Izhmash – Izhevskiy Mashinostroitel’nyy Zavod (core of the Kalashnikov Group) supplied most of the small arms for the Russian Army. SR-1, the most advanced rifle of the world, MR-1, the heir to SVD and TR3, the AK fifth generation which made any other competitor obsole- te, are the clear demonstration of the terrific potentiality and innovation of Izhmash and the R&D is developing other advanced projects. Izhmash pistols, rifles, self-loading sniper rifles and innovative competition rifles and shotguns are the undisputed leaders in several IPSC competition divisions. Due to the extreme flexibility of the multi-calibre AK platform (9×19, 223, 5,45×39, 7,62×39, 308, 410, 20 and 12), they can be used for sport (since years some models are the dominator in IPSC Divisions), self-defense, law enforcement and hunting. Those firearms are the only one resisting to any condi- tion of use even in extreme severe weather (from -50° to +50° Celsius, mud, sand, rain, snow, ice and water) and do not suffer of any corrosion even in salty water (depending from model they are not corroded by 820/1500 hours in salty fog corresponding from 12 to 22 years of use in sea environment). No other firearm is comparable to them.